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5 End of Summer Air Conditioning Maintenance Tips

5 End-of-Summer Air Conditioning Maintenance Tips

As summer comes to an end, many of our AC systems have been in constant use throughout the hot season. By scheduling some essential maintenance tasks, you can detect any signs of wear and tear and have them repaired before they cause lasting damage.

As a reliable provider of AC tune-up services in Milford, CT, West Haven, CT, and surrounding communities, we’ve listed some end-of-summer AC maintenance tips below.

Change the Filter

Filters help to collect all the pollen, dander, dust, and debris that is present in our homes. Although your filter may have been cleaned at the start of the summer, it needs to be replaced at the end of the season to increase AC performance. Ideally, filters should be changed monthly when the AC is being used daily. However, at least every three months will suffice. Once the filter has been changed, you can reap the benefits of cleaner air and reduced energy bills.

Examine the Unit for Abnormalities

Take some time to inspect your AC unit. Look for leaks, debris, and frayed wires around the system. Listen for any unusual noises, such as rattling, banging, hissing, or ticking. Additionally, trace any odd odors. If you notice anything out of the ordinary, contact an AC professional immediately.

Clean all Condenser Coils

Condensate drains encourage the growth of moisture and mildew on an outdoor unit, causing the AC system to work harder. If you have neglected cleaning duties throughout the summer, now is the time to clean the coils and condenser drain. Removing any signs of clogging will decrease the chance of an impaired cooling system.

Remove Any Obstructions from Outdoor Units

Before autumn brings leaves, twigs, sleet, and other debris, your outdoor AC system needs to be prepared. Clear the area surrounding your condenser unit of weeds, shrubs and branches, and try to brush away or vacuum up all dirt and debris. Removing any obstructions will improve air circulation.

Schedule a Professional Inspection and Tune-Up

Professional inspections and tune-ups keep your AC unit running smoothly all year round. Full AC inspections identify and fix any minor issues before they evolve into serious problems.

For more information, or to schedule an air conditioning installation service in Hamden, CT, West Haven, CT, or any other neighboring community, feel free to browse our website.

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